Build Over Agreement, Leading CCTV Drainage Surveyors in the UK, offering sewer line tracing to locate your drainage in relation to your property.

A 'drainage build over agreement' is a legal document required when you plan to build or extend a property over or near a public sewer or drainage system. It is an agreement between the property owner and the local water authority, ensuring that the sewer or drainage infrastructure is protected during and after the construction process. X Ray surveys can survey your building footprint and locate the sewer system on an accurate AutoCAD plan.

Key Points of a Drainage Build Over Agreement:

  1. Why It’s Required:

    • Public sewers and drains need to be protected to ensure they remain accessible for maintenance or repairs.
    • If you build too close to or directly over a sewer without an agreement, it can lead to serious issues, including structural problems and difficulty accessing the sewer in the future.
    • The agreement ensures that any construction work complies with local authority standards and will not damage the drainage infrastructure.
  2. Who Needs It:

    • Homeowners or developers who are planning to build an extension, conservatory, garage, or any other structure near or over a public sewer.
    • Generally, if your planned works are within 3 meters of a public sewer, you may need this agreement.
  3. How It Works:

    • You submit detailed plans of your proposed construction to your local water authority (e.g., Thames Water).
    • The water authority reviews the plans to assess the impact on the drainage system and may suggest modifications to protect the sewer.
    • Once approved, the build over agreement outlines conditions you must follow during construction to avoid damaging or obstructing the sewer.
  4. What It Covers:

    • Specifications on how to carry out construction near or over a sewer.
    • Instructions for protecting and maintaining access to the sewer.
    • Possible requirements to use reinforced foundations or protective barriers around the sewer to prevent damage.
  5. Consequences of Not Having One:

    • Without an agreement, you may be required to alter or remove any structure built over a sewer.
    • Future problems accessing the sewer could lead to expensive repair costs.
    • It can create issues when selling the property, as buyers or mortgage lenders often require evidence of a valid build over agreement.

Benefits of a Build Over Agreement:

  • Protection: Ensures that both your property and the public drainage system are safeguarded.
  • Compliance: Ensures your construction project meets legal and water authority standards.
  • Peace of mind: Provides documentation that your development won't interfere with essential public services.